This is a twelve-lesson course as a study of the Book of Genesis. All the lessons are in a single PowerPoint deck which includes reference materials for the class leader for an Adult Education class. This may also be used as a self-directed Bible study. This will provide the reader with Bible Study tools to understand the rest of the scripture. Sometimes misspelled as Genasis, enjoy learning about the mysteries of the Book of Genesis.
Classroom Use
When the power point deck is used for a class it may be projected to a screen or television set. The screen or television used to exhibit the power point slides during the class time should be large enough so that all the class participants can comfortably read the text and see details in the artwork. Once you as the leader download the power point deck you can change or present the slides as needed for your circumstances. The course as designed deals with the text of the scripture and with artwork as illustration. The leader should listen as the class participants add comments, thoughts and feelings in reaction. Class members should be encouraged to read Genesis as the course progresses. The Oxford Annotated Bible is used for the text and footnotes, but the participants can use any version of the Bible that they prefer. This course was originally presented with each class lasting about one hour.
Bible scripture lectionary revised common lectionary adult Sunday school class adult formation Sunday morning program free resource EFM education for ministry Episcopal history Genesis revelation teacher Sunday school Classroom technology how to Book of common prayer BCP collect
Lesson One
This lesson will cover the following topics and verses from the book of Genesis. The topics to be covered in this lesson are: Genesis 1:1-5, Genesis 1:1-2:4a, So God made the dome and separated the waters "Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, The story of creation, original chaos, human Dominion, Creation, Christian Trinitarian Theology, ancient Jewish text, God= "In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth ..." God, the creator, The Holy Spirit="... the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters." A wind from God: the Holy Spirit, Christ="Then God said, 'Let there be light'; and there was light" The light in the darkness: the Son, Jesus Christ, Three distinct persons performing different actions, yet co-existing in unity.
Lesson Two
This lesson will cover the following topics and verses from the book of Genesis. The topics to be covered in this lesson are: Creation Story Two, ‘Another Account of Creation’, Genesis 2:4b – 18, The Creation II starts “In the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens….”, In this second ‘creation’ God makes the female from the male, Genesis 1:26 and 27, Genesis2:7 and 20B – 24, ’adam” is ambiguous. God put him, apparently a masculine being, in the garden to cultivate and take care of it, Gender distinction is not emphasized until Genesis 2.21–25 where a different word is used to distinguish man “’ish” from woman “ishah”. A word play in sound in Hebrew, tribe, Parallel Passages, corrupt texts, Hebrew, Scribal Glosses, Bible, II Kings 22-23 as “the book of the law” in 621 BC, Masoretes, Documentary Hypotheses, complete unity, Pentateuch, Moses, Father Simon, in 1685, The Lord God, the Lord, Elohim, Yahweh, E writer for Elohimist, J Writer, the P Document, Priestly Document, new Law, Deuteronomic, D Document, J E D P, King David 950 BC, Hosea, Redactor, redactor took the existing J/E and wove the Priestly Code, Anthropomorphize God, Intermediaries, East Wind divided the Red Sea, Temple Ritual, Sinai, Mt Horeb, THE JE CREATION STORY, Yahweh, Elohiem.
Lesson Three
This lesson will cover the following topics and verses from the book of Genesis. The topics to be covered in this lesson are: The Expulsion, Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7, tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, serpent, Genesis 3:8-15, Where are you?, Naked, moral awareness, Parable, Adam and Eve are at peace in the Garden, lie that the tree is not deadly, misconception, Eve’s temptation of Adam, Fruit, gullibility of Eve, fig leaf garments, The Fall, expulsion of Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden, biblical narrative, free choice.
Lesson Four
This lesson will cover the following topics and verses from the book of Genesis. The topics to be covered in this lesson are: Cain and Able, am I my brother’s keeper?, Genesis 4, blood is crying out, brother’s blood, mark on Cain, Enoch, Irad, Mehujael, Lamech, Adah, Zillah, Jabal Tubal-cain, Naamah, Enosh, Anthropomorphized, Cain and Able, Genesis 4:1-16, genealogies, Seth, Enoch, Enoch walked with God, Methuselah, Babylonian tradition, Nephilim, warriors of Renown, universal Flood, Genesis 6:11-14, Genesis 7:1-5, 11-18, 8:6-18, 9:8-13, Noah, seven pairs, every winged creature, male and female of all flesh, Judgment and mercy, The great flood, Genesis 11:1-9, Babel, The Tower of Babel, gate of god, Egyptian kingdoms.
Lesson Five
This lesson will cover the following topics and verses from the book of Genesis. The topics to be covered in this lesson are: Family History of the descendants of Abraham, Abraham, Genesis as Ancestral History, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob, Joseph, Covenant, Hebrew and Christian scriptures, Abrahamic covenant, promissory covenant, Genesis 12:1-9, Abram Saga, Abraham and Sarai, Fertile Crescent, Chaldean Ur, foundational character, GENESIS 12:10-20 AND 13:1, Parallel Passages, Abram and Lot, Genesis 14:8-12, Admah, Zeboiim, Chedorlaomer, Goiim, Amraphel, Sodom and Gomorrah, Genesis 14: 13-16, oaks of Mamre
Genesis 14: 17-24, Melchizedek from Salem, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Genesis 15:13-16, David’s empire, Abram’s Promised Land.
Lesson Six
This lesson will cover the following topics and verses from the book of Genesis. The topics to be covered in this lesson are: Sarai and Hagar, El-roi, Exodus tradition, Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16, Abraham, Sarah, meaning "princess," El Shaddai, Noachic covenant, Genesis 18:1-10a, Sarah shall have a son, The Three Visitors, Sarah's Laughter.
Lesson Seven
This lesson will cover the following topics and verses from the book of Genesis. The topics to be covered in this lesson are: Sodom and Gomorrah, Abimelech, Isaac and Ishmael, Genesis 18:20-32, Abraham's intercession for Sodom and Gomorrah, The lessons of Sodom, Sarah and Abimelech, Genesis 21:1-7, Genesis 21:8-21, Genesis 21:8-21, Ishmael, God saves Ismael, Genesis 22:1-14, consecration of the firstborn, Exodus 13:1-6, The Koran, gentle son, Abraham and Isaac in Art.
Lesson Eight
This lesson will cover the following topics and verses from the book of Genesis. The topics to be covered in this lesson are: Jacob the Trickster, Genesis 23, Genesis 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67, Laban, Rebekah, Nahor was near Haran, The Burial of Abraham, Gen 25: 1 – 19, Keturah, Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, Shuah, Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah, Genesis 25:19-34, Esau, Jacob, Genesis 26, Isaac inherits Abraham’s Blessing.
Lesson Nine
This lesson will cover the following topics and verses from the book of Genesis. The topics to be covered in this lesson are: Genesis 28:10-19a, Genesis 28:10-19, Genesis 29:15-28, Rachel
Leah, Genesis 31 – Jacob’s departure, Genesis 32 – Jacob’s Return, Genesis 32:22-31, Jacob's reconciliation with Esau, Genesis 33 1 – 17, The legacy of deceit, Dinah, Genesis 34, Genesis 35, Genesis 36.
Lesson Ten
This lesson will cover the following topics and verses from the book of Genesis. The topics to be covered in this lesson are: The Joseph Saga, Genesis 37:1-4, Genesis 37: 5 – 11, Genesis 37:1-4, Genesis 37:12-28, Midianite traders, Ishmaelites, Elohimist writer, Yahweh, Joseph’s Sale, Genesis 3, Tamar, Judah, Tamar and Judah has not one but two sons from this interlude, one the ancestor of David.
Lesson Eleven
This lesson will cover the following topics and verses from the book of Genesis. The topics to be covered in this lesson are: Genesis 39: 1-23, Potiphar, Ishmaelites, Genesis 39: 1-23, Genesis 40:1- 23, cupbearer of the king of Egypt, baker, Genesis 40:1- 23, Genesis 41, Genesis 41, Asenath,
Lesson Twelve
This lesson will cover the following topics and verses from the book of Genesis. The topics to be covered in this lesson are: Genesis 42-44, Benjamin, Genesis 45:1-15, Genesis 45:25 – 28, Genesis 47: 20 – 25, Genesis 50:15-21, Genesis 50: 20-25.
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