This is a five-lesson course on the Revelation to John. Each class session is in a separate power point deck and includes reference materials for the class leader. These materials may also be used for a self directed Bible study. Your time spent in knowing the Book of Revelation will great comfort.
The power point deck when used for a class me e projected to a screen or television. The screen or television used to exhibit the power point slides during the class time should be large enough so that all of the class the participants can comfortably read the text and see details in the art work. Once you as the leader down load the power point deck you can change or present the slides as needed for your particular circumstances. The course as designed deals with the text of the scripture itself with artwork as illustration. Each lesson starts with a review and the leader should encourage and listen as the class participants add comments, thoughts and feelings in reaction. Class members should be encouraged to read the Revelation to John as the course progresses. The Oxford Annotated Bible is used for the text and footnotes, but the participants can use any version of the Bible that they like. This course was originally presented as a special class during Lent, with each class lasting about one hour.
In Four Lessons
Lesson One
New Testament, The Book of Revelation, Revelations, The Oxford Dictionary of The Christian Church, Second Edition Revised, Oxford University Press, The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume I, St. Cyril of Jerusalem, John Wesley, Commentaries, Notes on the Whole Bible, The New Testament, The Message of the Book of Revelation, Charles T. Chapman, Jr., New Testament Writings, Timothy Luke Johnson, The New Oxford Annotated Bible, 1996 by Oxford University Press, Inc. New Oxford Annotated Bible, Version 2.0 for Windows, Introduction to The Book of Revelation, Apocalyptic Literature, Gospel of Mark, apocalyptic, apokalypsis, Daniel, Enoch, Baruch, End of the Age, Mount of Olives, Desolating Sacrilege, The Coming of the Son of Man, Immediately after the suffering of those days the sun will be darkened, forth telling, foretelling, Prophet.
Lesson Two
letters to the Seven Churches of Asia, seven mysterious, vivid visions, Seven Churches of Asia Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea, materialism, infantilism, eroticism, hedonism and idols,
Ephesus, patience, endurance, tolerate evil doers, Smyrna, Nicolaitans, John of Patmos, Thyatira, Jezebel, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea, classic prophetic statement, Visions, Seven Visions, consisting of six scenes, Revelation 11:15-11:19, Revelation 12:1-12:17, Revelation 12:18-13:10, Revelation 14:1-14:12, Revelation 19:11-20:15 Revelation 21:1-22:5Twenty Four Elders, four living creatures, Four horsemen, white, black, red and green, people robed in white, perpetual worship, seventh seal, idols, red dragon, woman clothed with the sun, mark of the beast, 666, Babylon, 144 thousand singing virgins, seven plagues, bowls of wrath, Euphrates, spirit demons, Harmagedon. lake of fire, dragon, New Jerusalem [1500X1500X1500 miles] with nothing unclean and where the water of life from the throne of God with the Lamb flows in the city and where the tree of life is now with 12 kinds of fruit.
Lesson Three
Number Symbolism; Twelve, VAN DMLEN, D.H., Oxford Companion to the Bible, Oxford University Press
Twenty Four Elders, crowns, twelve tribes of Israel, twelve apostles, whole church, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, zechariah, mountains of bronze, chariot, red horses,
black horses, dappled gray horses, angel, bow, conquering general, Roman emperor, Domitian, Nero, famine, scarce grain, Pale Green Horse, Chlorous, Chlorox of Hades, Mark of the Beast, 666, Nero Caesar, Neronian, Number Seven, The Seventh Seal, trumpets, Sabbath year, Hebrew, jubilee, Genesis, Hebrew Bible, great portent, woman clothed with the sun, Christ and Satan, Roman authorities.
Lesson Four
Christianity, Roman Empire, Old Testament, faithful worship, forgive and take Israel,
continuing redemption, Armageddon, good will prevail over evil, dragons, plagues, and terrible fates, scorpion stings, John’s vision, Satan, lake of fire, Jezebel, scripture, Jupiter, modern Idols.
This followed by a series of Visions as Divided by the Oxford Dictionary of Christianity:
1. The initial vision is in several scenes -
A. first: Author sees the Glory of God and the Book with Seven Seals which only Christ can Open.
B. The second: As the first of the seals is broken, four horsemen appear, presaging the approach of the end.
C. The Third: concerns the 144,000 of Israel sealed on the Forehead, and an innumerable Multitude of the redeemed is seen in heaven.
D. The Fourth concerns: The opening the 7th Seal begins a series of Trumpet calls heralding various disasters.
E. The fifth: After the Seven Thunders which the seer is bidden not to record[1], he is given the Angel’s book to eat.
F. The sixth concerns: After the seventh seal is broken, the Kingdom of God and Christ is proclaimed.
2. Two Eschatological Visions [Deal with the theme of the end of Creation or end times]
A. The woman who is persecuted by a dragon [the woman is pregnant and the dragon waits to consume the child, but the child is taken away for 1200 days or three years]; and
B. War in heaven between Michael and his angels and Satan.
3. Then a pair of visions
A. A beast from the sea who blasphemes against God
B. A. Beast from Earth who compels all men to worship the first beast.
4. Then, the Execution of a judgment against Babylon the Great is followed by world judgment in various forms. The destruction of Babylon now described as a Harlot is vividly described!
5. The marriage feast of the lamb, the beast and a false prophet are destroyed in a great battle and Satan is bound for 1000 years and then cast into a lake of brimstone forever.
6. The Book ends then with the general resurrection and judgment of souls and the creation of the New Heaven and the New Earth and the New Jerusalem. [2]
[1] Revelation 10, V4 4 AAnd when the seven thunders had sounded, I was about to write, but I heard a voice from heaven saying, ASeal up what the seven thunders have said, and do not write it down.
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